Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | January 19, 2025
Referenced Scripture:
Matthew 6:21, Matthew 23:23-24, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 8:5-12, Psalm 34:8
Reflection Questions:
1) In what areas of your life is it really easy to invest your financial resources “cheerfully”? (retirement, vehicles, vacations, recreation, charity, etc…)? What does this reveal about the values of your heart/life?
2) Why do you think it is important to be intentional with your generosity? (having a plan and following through)
3) Why do you think people statistically give less as a percentage of their income as their income grows? (may need to speculate)
4) What challenges have you experienced along your generosity journey? What successes have you seen? How have you grown in generosity?
5) What would it look like for you to be sacrificial in your generosity? What could you say “no” to in order to grow your generosity?
6) Since we are called to “excel” in the grace of giving we are never done growing in generosity. What is your next step to grow and stretch in your generosity?
7) Does the thought of tithing (giving a tenth of your income) seem doable? Why or why not? What would it take to get there? What lifestyle adjustments would you need to make?
What’s your next step?
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