LIVE NO LIES #2 | Battle For The Mind | September 18, 2022
Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor
Genesis 3:1-15 (NIV)
1) Who is God?
2) Who are you?
3) What is the purpose of our life?
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)
1) What is the thought or feeling that I am experiencing?
2) What is the lie?
3) What is the truth?
Reflection Questions:
If the Enemy’s primary strategy is to get people to believe lies about God, about themselves and others, and about what really matters in this life:
1) What are lies you see people believe about God? What lies do you believe about God?
2) What are lies you see people believe about themselves? What lies do you believe about yourself?
3) What lies do people believe about what matters in this life (meaning and purpose)? What lies do you believe about what matters in life?
4) What would be the truth of Scripture to combat the lies you identified above (specific verses if you have them)?
5) How have you observed believing lies bringing challenge to your life? What are the costs of believing lies?
6) What are the avenues and methods that the Enemy uses to put lies into your mind? Where do his lies come from? Where do our thoughts come from?
7) How can you protect your mind and soul from these avenues and methods? How do we filter the messages our minds are exposed to?
READ 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
8) What would it look like practically to live a life that takes every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ? How do we learn to ‘think about what we think about’.
9) Why is it important to process truth and lies in the context of a community of people seeking to be ALL IN followers of Jesus? What does God want to provide for us in the community of believers?
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Notes Page:
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