Brian Priebe | Executive Pastor | December 8, 2024
Referenced Scripture:
Exodus 15:20-21a, 2 Sam 6:14-16, Psalm 126:1-3, Luke 7:33-34, Genesis 14:18-20, Luke 19:5-8
Reflection Questions:
1.God commanded his people in Exodus 23 to celebrate 3 annual feasts of God's Provision. What are other instances in Scripture where you remember God's people celebrating God's Provision?
2. If we as Christians don't celebrate God's Provision... What are we missing out on?
3. Share your own experiences of celebration in your life. Think of times that led to making a joyful noise, times of laughter, times of sharing a meal with others and times that led to generosity.
4. Share with your group the areas of your life where you have seen God's hand providing.
5. Spend a generous amount of time in prayer (alone or in a group). Focus on thanking God for the areas of your life where you see his provision.
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