Bob Schwahn | Lead Pastor | November 17, 2024
Referenced Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11, Matthew 6:6, Revelation 3:20, Luke 11:13, Revelation 5:8, Psalm 56:8, Mark 14:32-36
Reflection Questions:
1. What is one thing that stuck out to you from the sermon?
2. How have you experienced the challenge of unanswered prayer in your life? What thoughts or emotions did this create in you?
3. What are some wrong beliefs we can have about God or about ourselves when our prayers seem to go unanswered?
4. What makes persisting in prayer difficult for you? Are there areas where you would say you have given up? Explain. What should motivate us to persevere and persist in asking, seeking, and knocking?
5. How does the reality that God collects our prayers and our tears change the way we view God? How does it change the way we view prayer?
6. Revelation 5:8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.
7. Psalm 56:8 (NLT) You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle.You have recorded each one in your book.
8. The goal of prayer is for us experience God’s PRESENCE rather than just receive God’s PRESENTS. Agree or Disagree? Why?
9. What is one way you can take a next step in growth in your prayer life today?
What’s your next step?
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Journey Church - December 16, 2012 ~ Christmas In The Psalms #3: HOPE In The Savior ~ Brian Hopkins - Lead Pastor
Journey Church - January 21, 2018 - The Story Beyond #3: You Need a Friend - Bob Schwahn - Lead Pastor
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